Despite the fully-legal status of several common deliriant plants, deliriants are largely unpopular as recreational drugs due to the severe and unpleasant nature of their disassociative effects.
User reports of recreational deleriant usage on Erowid generally indicate a firm unwillingness to repeat the experience. In addition to their potentially-dangerous mental effects, many tropane alkaloids (such as scopolamine and atropine) are highly poisonous and can cause death due to tachycardia-induced heart failure and hyperthermia even in small doses. Other physical effects include intense and painful drying of the eyes and mucous membranes, as well as a pronounced dilation of the pupils which can last for several days resulting in sensitivity to light, blurry vision and inability to read.
Despite the fully-legal status of several common deliriant plants, deliriants are largely unpopular as recreational drugs due to the severe and unpleasant nature of their disassociative effects.
User reports of recreational deleriant usage on Erowid generally indicate a firm unwillingness to repeat the experience. In addition to their potentially-dangerous mental effects, many tropane alkaloids (such as scopolamine and atropine) are highly poisonous and can cause death due to tachycardia-induced heart failure and hyperthermia even in small doses. Other physical effects include intense and painful drying of the eyes and mucous membranes, as well as a pronounced dilation of the pupils which can last for several days resulting in sensitivity to light, blurry vision and inability to read.