If that argument was even half as clear as it should be...
The 'world wide global conspiracy' that claims we are all fighting for oil and money and and and and andand ...
Isn't it's a war to maintain control over the masses using a credit system to buy energy...ie heat and light, mobility...etcetera....
The truth behind this farce, is this, there is 'free energy' it is possible to over unify.
However, If the layman were to lay his hands upon a device the size of a kick drum, that emitted no pollution, no noise, required no fuel and gave you 30kw of power at will...
The whole of the worlds societal infrastructure would collapse over night, totally.
Absolute Power corrupts absolutely, so claiming that a 'conspiracy' is just that, is to not see the huge stinking puss filled boil on the face of humanity.
The whole fucking system stinks, where a two dollar tin of baby milk is considered more valuable than the child it feeds, and that a tree is worth more as a match than an ecosystem.
The world is still controlled and policed under an authority that has no interest whatsoever in the protection of the human, moreover it only exists to maintain the indefatigable and wholesale circus of power which currently exists.
It will not stop until all of the worlds valuable life systems are corrupted to the point of extinction. Those that cry 'conspiracy', please look first at the considerable works of Tesla, Schauberger, Reich, to name a handful of hundreds of Scientists that were muzzled and sometimes killed to maintain this charade. Many people that could have changed the future for the betterment of millions, however were denied. Tesla had devised an electrical 'system' that lit a flourescent tube (also his idea) 10 miles from new york with no wires, that was self perpetuating once started. It used a 'wave' of electricity that was in empathy with the earth vibrating at 440hz, and not the 50hz that will presently kill you. (it's more complicated than that however that is the general jist. Upon discovering that this system would be 'free' and wouldn't require literally billions of tonnes of copper, Teslas workshops mysteriously burnt down.
Tesla was the true inventor of 'Electricity' and for the betterment of man kind sold his rights to control for 1 dollar.
Any discussion regarding freedom must first look at these key points, until a war on truth is won, a war concerning freedom is unable to begin.
With absolutely all due respect, most people who go down that line of thinking end up wearing tinfoil hats and turning their bedrooms into Faraday Cages.
With absolutely all due respect, most people who go down that line of thinking end up wearing tinfoil hats and turning their bedrooms into Faraday Cages.