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  • Yep,
    I posted it in this threadL

    And wrote:

    This from Sold Secure:

    The product called Krytonite Evolution Mini was removed the middle of last year from our approved listings as the product was not put In for annual audit , there is a new product by Krytonite called Kryptolok series 2 mini which is a small D shackle which will be on our approved data base shortly, The product you inquire about (THE FAGH) was pedal cycle silver rated

    But my insurance company (ETA) said the Fagh are on the list so their fine. I think they're confusing it with the NY 3000 though.

    I posted (a small essay) shortly after:

    Seems the best Kryptonite locks will break your insurance policy. You could rely on Kryptonite's (carefully worded and very strict) guarantee, but I wouldn't recommend it.

    Does anyone know of an insurer that accepts Fagh Minis or Evo Minis? It's a main criteria of mine, I'd love to hear.


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