I was looking for ages for the same thing, a non integrated 1 1/8 and this was the best I could find for relatively cheap. Its a 'no-brand' fork and doing a google search doesnt get much, although there are a couple of ppl on forums who mention it as ok. I have had no problems with it at all, and its fully carbon so you'll need to get a fork bung thing. Hacksawing it was no problem either just stuck some masking tape over the edge and cut through that, idea was to keep it from cracking..
anyways, good beatery fork, looks cool which is the only thing that is important.
these are the ones I had up for sale which you were interested in but were too short:
I was looking for ages for the same thing, a non integrated 1 1/8 and this was the best I could find for relatively cheap. Its a 'no-brand' fork and doing a google search doesnt get much, although there are a couple of ppl on forums who mention it as ok. I have had no problems with it at all, and its fully carbon so you'll need to get a fork bung thing. Hacksawing it was no problem either just stuck some masking tape over the edge and cut through that, idea was to keep it from cracking..
anyways, good beatery fork, looks cool which is the only thing that is important.