I've been scouring the web for the last few days for Carbon Forks. I've found loads that I like the look of, but they all seem to be for integrated headsets.
I've read a fair bit of info on here, and I'm aware that you can use integrated forks on an external (normal) headset, but by doing so, you will have a gap between the top of the fork crown, and the bottom of the headset . I'm trying to find out if there are still non-integrated Carbon Forks available.
As the title suggests, I'm looking for 1 1/8th road forks, with 40-45mm of rake. Preferably around, or below the £100.
If anyone can suggest anything, I'd be very grateful.
EDIT: If anyone has anything for sale (steerer length of about 250mm) that would be awesome!
I've been scouring the web for the last few days for Carbon Forks. I've found loads that I like the look of, but they all seem to be for integrated headsets.
I've read a fair bit of info on here, and I'm aware that you can use integrated forks on an external (normal) headset, but by doing so, you will have a gap between the top of the fork crown, and the bottom of the headset . I'm trying to find out if there are still non-integrated Carbon Forks available.
As the title suggests, I'm looking for 1 1/8th road forks, with 40-45mm of rake. Preferably around, or below the £100.
If anyone can suggest anything, I'd be very grateful.
EDIT: If anyone has anything for sale (steerer length of about 250mm) that would be awesome!