Ah, right I get what you mean about the wifi thing, winston. If I had a wifi connection available I'd be using a laptop and skype the old fashioned way and then you just pay for the Skype->landline costs.
If I don't have a wifi connection then the Skype thing is a shitload cheaper than calling international from a mobile. If Fring is cheaper than Skype then I'll use that. I don't care.. someone just summarise which THING to install on my phone that will give me the cheapest, easiest calls to Australia? Thanks.
Ah, right I get what you mean about the wifi thing, winston. If I had a wifi connection available I'd be using a laptop and skype the old fashioned way and then you just pay for the Skype->landline costs.
If I don't have a wifi connection then the Skype thing is a shitload cheaper than calling international from a mobile. If Fring is cheaper than Skype then I'll use that. I don't care.. someone just summarise which THING to install on my phone that will give me the cheapest, easiest calls to Australia? Thanks.