• Hay hi there people, i work for keltbray driving one of there tipper trucks and have been going to the shard site for over a year, i'm also a cyclist and ride to work everyday but i'd like to put it to you from a driers point , first of trucks will never be banded from rush hour times or made to work at nighs because off the cost, also no one wants a big truck passing down back streets but there not braking the law by doing so. also trucks have digital tacos that record speeds and time spent driving, the police have told us the truck was not speeding and the guy on the bike had head phones on and never stopped at the give way at the junction where he was killed, and after viewing the cctv they think he never looked because he didnt hear the truck coming, the first the driver knew off any thing was when the bike hit the front and then it was to late for this poor guy.
    Also as a lorry driver i get the hump with bikes when there is a bike lane and bikes dont use them, also when we come to traffic lights how they come up the inside to get to the front!!! when the lights go green as hard as you peddle the truck will be moving faster and having to over take a bike again is puts the bike rider in danger , then you come to another set off lights and the thing starts over again, i think thats why driver dont like cyclist, yeah i think some drivers are dicks and rude but we have to use the roads together, i think if everyone who rides a bike never come up the inside off a truck 90% off deaths wouldnt happen, most do when the truck turns left and this would cut that out, i would invite anyone to spend half a day with me driving and get to see things from where we are and what we can see and get to see what some cyclists are like, i know my grammer and stuff aint the best but i wanted to say something on this case
