Having now looked at the F H Scott brochure, point 1 all the original equipment is specified so you have your shopping list with stated options depending on what you can find, point 2 I have now identified my frame as the Scott Olympic Path Model which explains why there are no baze-ons apart from separate mudguard eyes and front and rear light fitting (12-42 hour time trails requirement) - mine has the Reynolds round fork blades and light two plate crown. The only puzzle is a very small horizontal Charter Lea ends to the rear possible for the Sturmey Archer 3 speed fixed ASC hub gear?
Having now looked at the F H Scott brochure, point 1 all the original equipment is specified so you have your shopping list with stated options depending on what you can find, point 2 I have now identified my frame as the Scott Olympic Path Model which explains why there are no baze-ons apart from separate mudguard eyes and front and rear light fitting (12-42 hour time trails requirement) - mine has the Reynolds round fork blades and light two plate crown. The only puzzle is a very small horizontal Charter Lea ends to the rear possible for the Sturmey Archer 3 speed fixed ASC hub gear?