'The police said I would have been in her blind spot'
FFS that's hardly for them to say! Hit from the front, and the police offer that explanation? What ever happened to 'Driving Without Due Can And Attention', or 'Dangerous Driving' or some explanation that might suggest that the twat that hit you did something wrong? Did the policeman fancy the driver or something?
Did the conversation go like this:
'Things like this can't be helped, sir. Damded tricky things to see out of, cars, on account of all those windows. Best thing to do, sir, is to apologise to the nice lady and be on your way. You wouldn't want to make any trouble would you?'
Beggars belief, you get thrown across a round about and have your bike totalled and the police suggest you were in her blind spot? Did the try to caution you for causing the driver emotional distress as well? Bah! Makes me angry.
Hope you get well soon, and a very shiny new bike out of this.
'The police said I would have been in her blind spot'
FFS that's hardly for them to say! Hit from the front, and the police offer that explanation? What ever happened to 'Driving Without Due Can And Attention', or 'Dangerous Driving' or some explanation that might suggest that the twat that hit you did something wrong? Did the policeman fancy the driver or something?
Did the conversation go like this:
'Things like this can't be helped, sir. Damded tricky things to see out of, cars, on account of all those windows. Best thing to do, sir, is to apologise to the nice lady and be on your way. You wouldn't want to make any trouble would you?'
Beggars belief, you get thrown across a round about and have your bike totalled and the police suggest you were in her blind spot? Did the try to caution you for causing the driver emotional distress as well? Bah! Makes me angry.
Hope you get well soon, and a very shiny new bike out of this.