You don't have to accept things. It just creeps along, at some point you've got to push back. We can actually do stuff.
Criteo make money from clients like Wiggle. Wiggle want us as customers and I'm pretty sure we represent a not insignificant chunk of their revenue.
Then there's this place as a site... how much money do Wiggle make as a result of links on the site going to them when we talk about items? Would they like them all re-written and pointed to comparison shopping engines?
We don't have to blithely accept things we're uncomfortable with. Businesses, governments... they will push and continue pushing until we push back. And then they'll ease off for a while and push again. At no point can we roll over and just say, yeah fuck our privacy, fuck us too... we're too lazy and disillusioned to tell you where to go.
Bollocks to accepting this stuff.
Heh... I get angrier the more dismissive others get ;)