yeah the weather's looking good according to the reports.... yipeee. Can't bloody wait!
I'm bringing some spices for barbequeing, and some good coffee and my pot for it, a mug, spork and a billy/plate. Should be enough. (edit, oh and whiskey! If you're lucky I'll sing Whiskey in the Jar for you all).
I was going to mount my panniers on the front (they're small ones that can do either) but turns out I have completely incompatible lowriders. Bollocks. So i'm using a barbag and two small panniers on the back, more stuff on top of the rack. Probably too much stuff.
@tricity: yeah I see what you mean about spending money, but I got my nice sleeping bag and I know it'll be useful for ages to come. I always complain about synthetic bags so it was a good excuse.
@joesmith & Gormley
Can you please bring something to attatch your part of the tentage to your bikes (i.e. string/straps/bungee)? I can get it to E&C OK but may need the straps I'm using to stay on the bike to hold other things on... some old toe straps might even do, bring what u got, we'll work it out. I'm happy to take the outer tent layer which is really the big part, the inner tent has packed up pretty small, so one of you can take that and the pegs, the other can take the poles, I reckon.
yeah the weather's looking good according to the reports.... yipeee. Can't bloody wait!
I'm bringing some spices for barbequeing, and some good coffee and my pot for it, a mug, spork and a billy/plate. Should be enough. (edit, oh and whiskey! If you're lucky I'll sing Whiskey in the Jar for you all).
I was going to mount my panniers on the front (they're small ones that can do either) but turns out I have completely incompatible lowriders. Bollocks. So i'm using a barbag and two small panniers on the back, more stuff on top of the rack. Probably too much stuff.
@tricity: yeah I see what you mean about spending money, but I got my nice sleeping bag and I know it'll be useful for ages to come. I always complain about synthetic bags so it was a good excuse.
@joesmith & Gormley
Can you please bring something to attatch your part of the tentage to your bikes (i.e. string/straps/bungee)? I can get it to E&C OK but may need the straps I'm using to stay on the bike to hold other things on... some old toe straps might even do, bring what u got, we'll work it out. I'm happy to take the outer tent layer which is really the big part, the inner tent has packed up pretty small, so one of you can take that and the pegs, the other can take the poles, I reckon.