That's what an atheist would think, but the claim god does not exist is a category error to me . . . so I am asking the question as a theological noncognitivist.
When I refer to gods, I mean the things called 'gods' referenced by both atheists, agnostics and theists, I may reference the use of the word 'god', but have no clue as to what it means.
I can happily say the Jews believe in '*7879Hkdlslsips&' - without myself knowing what this thing '7879Hkdlslsips&' might be.
When I used the word non-existence in reference to the hypothetical blue dog I mean it either does or does not physically exist.
So . . . . what do you mean by 'gods' and what do you mean by 'exist' ?
That's what an atheist would think, but the claim god does not exist is a category error to me . . . so I am asking the question as a theological noncognitivist.
When I refer to gods, I mean the things called 'gods' referenced by both atheists, agnostics and theists, I may reference the use of the word 'god', but have no clue as to what it means.
I can happily say the Jews believe in '*7879Hkdlslsips&' - without myself knowing what this thing '7879Hkdlslsips&' might be.
When I used the word non-existence in reference to the hypothetical blue dog I mean it either does or does not physically exist.
So . . . . what do you mean by 'gods' and what do you mean by 'exist' ?