• How can you remove all bike to bike contact from a contact sport which involves bikes? Using you and myself as a specific case, we've had bike to bike contact plenty of times without it being either of our intentions or either of us at fault (And without either of us falling off I might add). If neither player is at fault but bike to bike is illegal play then how do you punish players without first deciding on then calling intent? We should stop making rules which are unenforceable and focus on ones which are.

    Clearly, it wouldn't make sense to penalise ALL bike to bike contact. You and I have had plenty of that contact without either of us fouling each other (or falling off, as you say).

    However, if one player pushes the ball past another player, and the other player prevents that player from going past, without making contact with ball, by using his/her bike as a barrier, then that, in my view, is a foul. This is what I am talking about.

    It's easy to enforce, and easy to understand, and would cut out all the t-bone / not a t-bone intended / not intended arguments. No contact with the ball, impede the other player = foul. Simple.
