I get annoyed at genuine references to a bike as a 'whip' but not enough to mention it on the forum prior to this..
'Project' is the one that really grates with me. You're assemling a fucking bicycle, often trying to do it exactly as has been assembled before, in the case of 'period rebuilds' (shudder). You're not an NGO drilling a new well in a remote Cogolese village or a scientificationist developing some kind of new equipment with which to perform rocket surgery.
'Project' is the one that really grates with me. You're assemling a fucking bicycle, often trying to do it exactly as has been assembled before, in the case of 'period rebuilds' (shudder). You're not an NGO drilling a new well in a remote Cogolese village or a scientificationist developing some kind of new equipment with which to perform rocket surgery.