• Here's our problem -

    As we've now decided to use refs for all competitive games, players are relying on them to make all the calls and are shirking responsibilities themselves. Instead of policing their own play and making sure their team is fair and plays by the rules, players seem to try to get away with whatever they can until the ref calls them.

    It's human nature, when placed in a competitive situation, to try and gain an advantage.

    There are always going to be players who, either because they don't understand the rules (there are still people who do not understand the rules on restarts), or because they think winning is more important than respecting fair play, who will cheat.

    If I am playing someone that I think is gaining an advantage by cheating, then I have a choice, I either let them 'get away with it', or I start cheating myself to negate the advantage that I think they may be getting from cheating. Generally, I try not to go to the second option too much, but in all honesty, I will cheat back some of the time.

    Expecting the better players not to cheat is unrealistic. A small minority of the better players play for the hell of it. Most play to win.

    My experience of reffing is that some games are much, much harder to ref than others. But in general, if you show early enough that you are will to call fouls, most teams will get on with the polo. They will respect the ref, and each other.

    Sometimes you will find that instead of getting cross with each other, the players will get cross with you. But that's a better outcome than a mass brawl - which we have seen in polo.
