• Fair. But that doesnt change Em's point. There is safe bike-bike, and dangerous bike-bike. I'm as wary as anyone of giving the refs power to decide on intent, but theres no way we can ban bike-to-bike contact in a physical game that involves bikes.

    More importantly, he's right about dangerous play. We dont call dangerous play amongst ourselves as often as we should, and until we're ready to do that, and have people call us out on the things we do, it almost doesnt matter how good the refs are. For example, Ive never seen anyone call high sticking, but we can all list the players who swing wildy. And more importantly, those players know they do it and cant be bothered to stop. Sure, "Its just throwins", but if we stop playing dangerously there, we're less likely to do it at tourneys.

    Just to make one thing clear - I don't think that the ref should whistle every time there's contact bike-to-bike. I do think that the ref should whistle when the player with the ball has been impeded by an opposing player, and the opposing player has made no contact with the ball.

    The high sticking thing, well, nowhere in the rules does it say that high-sticking is not permitted.

    There has been some general discussion about slashing vs hooking, and whether one is better than the other.
