I 'upgraded' to a Sony 230 DSLR recently and compared to my old G9 it is simply incredible in low light.
Hardly any noise, and the lenses are super sharp.
At the price I got it for, it is definitely worth it over a g9/10/11, particularly as my biggest irritation with the above mentioned cameras was the shutter speed issue.
I am no professional photographer, nor am i even an impassioned amateur- Just when I go skiing i like to have crisp action shots, and judging by my test shots on this things are looking good.
Having said that I could only afford it at the end of last year and for the past two years I have been using a film SLR to practice, and taking my canon places i wouldn't take my film camera, so we'll see.
Also the movie function on the g9 was really fucking good quality so I might miss that too.
I 'upgraded' to a Sony 230 DSLR recently and compared to my old G9 it is simply incredible in low light.
Hardly any noise, and the lenses are super sharp.
At the price I got it for, it is definitely worth it over a g9/10/11, particularly as my biggest irritation with the above mentioned cameras was the shutter speed issue.
I am no professional photographer, nor am i even an impassioned amateur- Just when I go skiing i like to have crisp action shots, and judging by my test shots on this things are looking good.
Having said that I could only afford it at the end of last year and for the past two years I have been using a film SLR to practice, and taking my canon places i wouldn't take my film camera, so we'll see.
Also the movie function on the g9 was really fucking good quality so I might miss that too.