• #2
I've had a few stems powder coated. The finish has always been fairly decent, though with a few imperfections. In terms of durability, no other finish will be as strong as powder coating IMO. The finish is thick though, i had to sand the stems down to fit them into the forks.
• #3
When I was running BikeRescue, the bike recycling scheme, we got lots of stuff powdercoated, and really it depends whether the coater has a brain.
We have had mudguard stays, little brackets, racks, levers - you name it - coated with good results.
Rules; Tell the coater you dont want it thick, point out any makers stamps you atill want to be able to see, or show him where you DO want it thick, to cover pitting (it shows through otherwise).
ALWAYS fill threaded holes with an old bolt, lightly screwed in, a few threads deep. This applies to frames too, always use a couple of old BB cups and headset cups to preserve threads and reamings.
Stems should be masked at the point where you want to insert up to, and the handlebar hole stuffed with paper (and dont forget the slave-bolt in the clamp!)
Handlebars should be masked at the stem clamp area.
Pedals should be dismantled, and holes stuffed. I presume youre not intending to do the axles.
Soldered items will melt apart! We found this out with a batch of old Raleigh Superbe chaincases, which arrived back in pieces! The curing temp is hot enough to melt solder, but not brazing.
Anybody powdercoated smaller components such as pedals cranks handlebars etc if so what did they turn out like and did they wear off quick,a few picture examples would be nice.