Just heard this on You and Yours on Radio 4. German town selling off it's potholes for around £45. The money gets the pothole repaired, and in return the purchaser gets to have a plaque installed in the road where the hole was (with whatever they want written on it, I think)
Seems like a great fun way of getting the work funded. And it'll make the streets more interesting! I like.
Potholes tend to appear in the same location a year later... who would want their plaque next to that?
That said, if we can write anything we want on the plaque, then let's go dig holes where riders have fallen and use the plaques to establish permanent memorials at those locations.
Potholes tend to appear in the same location a year later... who would want their plaque next to that?
That said, if we can write anything we want on the plaque, then let's go dig holes where riders have fallen and use the plaques to establish permanent memorials at those locations.