try not to spend too much on it though, the cheaper the better, especially if you want to try out the whole silly nonsense that is fixed wheel.
yeah, well the frames free from freecycle, picked up some rims last year (no idea what they are, haven't looked) and am gonna do my best to re-use everything i can although think need new crank and a new chain and some tires and a front brake...
then if it works out nicely and i enjoy the ride, get the frame powder coated perhaps and slowly but surely turn it into a thing of beauty!
yeah, well the frames free from freecycle, picked up some rims last year (no idea what they are, haven't looked) and am gonna do my best to re-use everything i can although think need new crank and a new chain and some tires and a front brake...
then if it works out nicely and i enjoy the ride, get the frame powder coated perhaps and slowly but surely turn it into a thing of beauty!