I've just commuted on the A23 route to Burgess hill, it was fine until I got a f'in puncture 10min before hassocks and finished the journey on the train (how stupid is it to go on a 14 mile journey without some sort of repair equipment! don't do it!)
A guy at work usualy rides the ditchling rd route in the summer I might try that as well.
We should organise a morning commute ride (no, not the bike train...)
I've just commuted on the A23 route to Burgess hill, it was fine until I got a f'in puncture 10min before hassocks and finished the journey on the train (how stupid is it to go on a 14 mile journey without some sort of repair equipment! don't do it!)
A guy at work usualy rides the ditchling rd route in the summer I might try that as well.
We should organise a morning commute ride (no, not the bike train...)