I have listened to BBC 6 Music almost every day since it started - if I were to lose it, it would leave a very large hole in my day. Please don't axe 6 Music - it is a lush and beautiful Island of sanity in an ocean of utter mediocrity. Axe endless repeats of Two Pints on BBC3 instead. In fact, just axe BBC3...it's rubbish...honestly.....nobody would even miss it.
I have listened to BBC 6 Music almost every day since it started - if I were to lose it, it would leave a very large hole in my day. Please don't axe 6 Music - it is a lush and beautiful Island of sanity in an ocean of utter mediocrity. Axe endless repeats of Two Pints on BBC3 instead. In fact, just axe BBC3...it's rubbish...honestly.....nobody would even miss it.
Please please please reconsider!