The Friday Night Rides to the Coast faces the same problem of popularity and , I fear, so might the Dunwich Dynamo one day. The latter has so far have escaped official attention.
Actually it hasn't. I think you'll find that Barry Mason and Patrick Field have been contacted by the police about this. Fortunately, like Critical Mass, this happened after the ride was able to be classed as common and customary and therefore difficult to regulate against. Don't think that attention isn't being paid though. I saw a handful of officers wandering around at the start of the last one. It's a tribute, mostly to good fortune and the fact that a handful of serving officers like to participate that it still goes ahead unhindered. Any more trouble with the crowds getting out through Hackney and there is a real risk that they might start throwing their weight around.
Actually it hasn't. I think you'll find that Barry Mason and Patrick Field have been contacted by the police about this. Fortunately, like Critical Mass, this happened after the ride was able to be classed as common and customary and therefore difficult to regulate against. Don't think that attention isn't being paid though. I saw a handful of officers wandering around at the start of the last one. It's a tribute, mostly to good fortune and the fact that a handful of serving officers like to participate that it still goes ahead unhindered. Any more trouble with the crowds getting out through Hackney and there is a real risk that they might start throwing their weight around.