Well we spent the weekend getting the flat sorted, and it wasn't until last night that I realised I had no idea how I was going to get to work. No internet so couldn't check train times, couldn't check the routes on google maps, but I thought I could remember one of the roads I needed to take. So I whipped out the A-Z to find out how to get onto the B480, and set the alarm for 6.
It was pretty damn icy this morning, rear wheel span out a few times and I went sideways more than once. As I approached a corner a car coming the other way span out, hit the verge and rolled into a ditch! Luckily no one was hurt so after stopping to ensure all were ok and they had someone coming to help I continued on my way.
My speedo froze up and the display is unreadable so I had no idea how far I'd gone, or what the time was. But the sun was coming up and the sky was clear. I was starting to tire a little when I see a sign - "Reading 4". Nice, almost at work, just hoping I'm not massively late.
Ended up getting to work at about half 8. 2 hours to do 30 miles isn't exactly a good time, but given the conditions and the car in the ditch, it's not too bad. There wasn't much traffic until I was almost in Reading, and no one seemed to mind me hogging the road to avoid the ice. The hills weren't massive, and there weren't that many. All in all, a good ride.
Well we spent the weekend getting the flat sorted, and it wasn't until last night that I realised I had no idea how I was going to get to work. No internet so couldn't check train times, couldn't check the routes on google maps, but I thought I could remember one of the roads I needed to take. So I whipped out the A-Z to find out how to get onto the B480, and set the alarm for 6.
It was pretty damn icy this morning, rear wheel span out a few times and I went sideways more than once. As I approached a corner a car coming the other way span out, hit the verge and rolled into a ditch! Luckily no one was hurt so after stopping to ensure all were ok and they had someone coming to help I continued on my way.
My speedo froze up and the display is unreadable so I had no idea how far I'd gone, or what the time was. But the sun was coming up and the sky was clear. I was starting to tire a little when I see a sign - "Reading 4". Nice, almost at work, just hoping I'm not massively late.
Ended up getting to work at about half 8. 2 hours to do 30 miles isn't exactly a good time, but given the conditions and the car in the ditch, it's not too bad. There wasn't much traffic until I was almost in Reading, and no one seemed to mind me hogging the road to avoid the ice. The hills weren't massive, and there weren't that many. All in all, a good ride.