have been catching up with emails from my trade association and there is a lot going on the background with people trying to get the government to see the idiocy of this bill. it doesn't help that as far as the mainstream media is concerned it's not really an issue, or the issue is dominated by the broadband tax and isp's denying service to filesharers.
it's quite odd when you realise the bill is encouraging sharing of imagery for free (without consent of the owners) but on the other-hand wants to stop filesharing?!?
have been catching up with emails from my trade association and there is a lot going on the background with people trying to get the government to see the idiocy of this bill. it doesn't help that as far as the mainstream media is concerned it's not really an issue, or the issue is dominated by the broadband tax and isp's denying service to filesharers.
it's quite odd when you realise the bill is encouraging sharing of imagery for free (without consent of the owners) but on the other-hand wants to stop filesharing?!?