This one I used last night for comparing with the Telfer.
It's a bit wierd some bits are new:
Risers, frame logo, black cxp22,
other bits are 'vintage':
lugs and colour of frame, all the chrome, old campag cranks, chainring, stem, brooks, gumwall tyres etc
You'd be better off putting drops on it, esp considering there is not much seatpost showing and it has two brakes. However, then you've still got the problem of the typeface of the logo (head explodes)...
It's a bit wierd some bits are new:
Risers, frame logo, black cxp22,
other bits are 'vintage':
lugs and colour of frame, all the chrome, old campag cranks, chainring, stem, brooks, gumwall tyres etc
You'd be better off putting drops on it, esp considering there is not much seatpost showing and it has two brakes. However, then you've still got the problem of the typeface of the logo (head explodes)...