• #2
Save your money and effort, they're a waste of time....
• #3
Cheers dude, I hear what you're saying, but Ive put some of my awesome power through the pista today and got a bit of splippage early doors...... :o) I'd like to give em a go....not to tension the thing, but to hold it in and maintain the tension......
• #4
Foot on allen key, push down in a clockwise motion. Problem solved
• #5
On what Allen key?
Ive got 15mm track nuts on the back??
• #6
OK then, foot on spanner
• #7
I thought I was going to learn a old salt's chain tightening trick there!!!
Thanks Mr Pistonator,I'll give that a go for now.....
But in the meantime, if anyone has got any they want to get shot of cheap because they are crap, give us a mail :o)
• #8
These things are horrible, it takes ages to unloose them to get the wheel off, when I got one, I though ah cool, problem solved! But really it's more annoying than anything. Take pistanator's advice is my advice.
• #9
Bullshit, if you are mechanically competent they go on and off just fine.
Two may be overkill but they work well.
• #10
oh they do, it just takes too much of my time for what little improvement they give, I'd rather spend my money on nuts that grip well, or washers, whatever.
• #11
I'm still looking..... Anyone got?
• #12
Are there any places cheaper than Velosolo @£28 all in?
• #13
I'm still after a pair.......:0)
• #14
I'll happily tug your nuts if you want.
• #15
the surly chain tugs are called tuggnuts. the mks ones are just chain tugs. and hub jub is cheaper by a few pound i think.
• #16
Hub jub is out of the Allen key ones at the mo..... And you you are a raven haired bird, Rusty, my nuts are off limits..... I don't mind em tugged occasionally tho, but that is for another thread, I think....
Hi, I'm after a pair of MKS tug nuts in the allen bolt flavour....10mm axle, 5 mm frame dropout size.....anyone got any?