there is plenty of discussion about this on industry websites, some of it open and some of it closed.
this little snippet is off a closed list but i'm sure they wont mind me quoting it.
basically the draft bill is illegal under European law
"From work done by ******* in the US and my own reading, HMG break 3 articles of Berne & 1 Article of TRIPS with the Bill. This is pretty clear cut and without much wriggle room. A further Article of TRIPS means that they should send themselves to gaol for piracy on a commercial scale. Also S85 of CDPA (Right to privacy of certain photographs) is going to be broken by licensing of some OW, but they left themselves a nice loophole by allowing acts done by statutory authority to be exempt.*"
there is plenty of discussion about this on industry websites, some of it open and some of it closed.
this little snippet is off a closed list but i'm sure they wont mind me quoting it.
basically the draft bill is illegal under European law
"From work done by ******* in the US and my own reading, HMG break 3 articles of Berne & 1 Article of TRIPS with the Bill. This is pretty clear cut and without much wriggle room. A further Article of TRIPS means that they should send themselves to gaol for piracy on a commercial scale. Also S85 of CDPA (Right to privacy of certain photographs) is going to be broken by licensing of some OW, but they left themselves a nice loophole by allowing acts done by statutory authority to be exempt.*"