• #2
we is listening.
thank you higher authority, o kind and communicative one -
• #3
go to sleep
• #4
I was asleep, but this fucking thread woke me.
Thanks very much, you noisy set of twats.
Anyway, I'm making a cup of tea. Anyone want one? -
• #5
I'm making coffee. Should I dial this number?
Anyway it's 000 for emergencies.. what's this 999 shit. Freaks.
• #6
Or use the interwebs to report stuff
• #7
Replies at last...
Next thing you know my A day at the races, Keirin style thread will be bumped.
A new phone number has been introduced by the Metropolitan Police for callers to use in non-emergency situations.
Police hope the number - 0300 1231212 - will make it easier for Londoners to contact them and reduce the number of inappropriate 999 calls.
This is a public service information thread by Pipwish. Thank you for listening. :-p