I shouldn't have to visit multiple establishments to secure a working fucking credit card. Those twatarsecunts in the banks should have developed shit so that I don't get my card cloned. I have a credit card #, a fucking CCV # and now fucking Mastercard SecureCodeTwatox password or some shit and yet they still insist on cancelling my card when NOTHING has been defrauded.
Let's just say again. All banks are shit. Some are less shit than others. Sort it out fuckos.
I am allowed to complain.
Look, I'll do it again.
I shouldn't have to visit multiple establishments to secure a working fucking credit card. Those twatarsecunts in the banks should have developed shit so that I don't get my card cloned. I have a credit card #, a fucking CCV # and now fucking Mastercard SecureCodeTwatox password or some shit and yet they still insist on cancelling my card when NOTHING has been defrauded.
Let's just say again. All banks are shit. Some are less shit than others. Sort it out fuckos.