Thanks for the nice comments. This was the first time i'd ever used a video camera so it's a bit of a learning curve. Will put the next part up tonight, it's all matches from here on in.
I can only apologies to the teams I haven't caught on camera. I basically had no battery through Friday and was at the art gallery Saturday morning so I guess I missed all those games. I tried to film bits of all the games I could but some teams do feature more heavily than others. This is just the way it worked out. Deal with it you vain bastards ;)
Thanks for the nice comments. This was the first time i'd ever used a video camera so it's a bit of a learning curve. Will put the next part up tonight, it's all matches from here on in.
I can only apologies to the teams I haven't caught on camera. I basically had no battery through Friday and was at the art gallery Saturday morning so I guess I missed all those games. I tried to film bits of all the games I could but some teams do feature more heavily than others. This is just the way it worked out. Deal with it you vain bastards ;)