• #52
It looks like something a tropical chameleon threw up.
• #53
crikey its that clown again,who used to build front brake only heaps of shit singlespeeds.his bikes were crap then and theyre crap now
• #54
is it the same guy as 'baby blue fixie'
• #55
he's definitely got the same eyes
• #56
i miss baby blue fixie
• #57
If you split ill grab those wheels if the right price
CheersYou are not real.
Nobody real could be so critically moronic.
• #58
max,you may miss baby blue fixie.but on the good side now weve got the RINKY DINKY DONT fucking buy it
• #59
Loving the edit on the first post.
• #60
"Chew Mee"
WTF? "Blow Me" more like. What a fuckin' A-Grade pepper grinder.
• #61
i just read the testimonials on foffa's shite and it seems to me theyve got Tony DAFONEY Malone working for them
• #62
hmm I have nothing useful to contribute so ill just put up the rage bunny
• #63
max,you may miss baby blue fixie.but on the good side now weve got the RINKY DINKY DONT fucking buy it
i dislike your attitude. maybe someone might want this. someone who has no eyes and no legs.
thats all im saying
• #64
Weak kneed in amazement. All I want to say now is "I ride the Dandy Highwayman"
and what obscenely patronising twaddle on the history of carlton's worksop factory as he purveys his 2 wheeled filth.
someone should chew that bike all right (with a jcb)