This is where I think we are at. I've included items from the previous agenda in strikethrough. Let me know if you think we need to keep any of these items.
I think the next meeting should focus mainly, or only, on Courts and selling the Euros merch.
**LHBPA ** Management Committee meeting agenda
22 February, 2009
**1. **A[B]pproval of minutes[/B]
Are there any corrections to the minutes as distributed?
UK Championships (are we serious about this for 2010? Then need to form a committee)
London International Open (are we serious about this for 2010? Then need to form a committee)
Should the Association get employer liability coverage as part of its insurance?
Nominate a chair or co-chairs for Outreach Committee (Matt Goldenwheel?)
Do we need a private LHBPA forum?
Should minutes be made public?
Polo relations: Association’s relation to the community
Revisit goals and projects: Any new projects other than courts, UK championship, and an annual London Open?
Membership drive
Rules Committee?
International Liaison Officer: Revisit post; Add to core officers or create a committee?
Need a plan for selling the rest of the Euros merch, asap
New Business
Donation to 2010 Euros or Worlds?
Open accounts from suppliers like balls, titanium, abs, Travis Perkins for boards?
Look into the Association being able to provide sports-travel insurance
Get Association on local discount lists (e.g., Condor)?
Discussion of how things are made public under the Association’s name
Lists of goals/duties for each committee and chair
What happens to the money if the Assoc folds? How long can it hold on to money in an inactive state?
If minutes are to be made public they need to be a lot clearer than this and people need the right to request they are not made public. If notes are made public Roxy would ask that they are made public on a secure site or forum for members only
Can any member use the Streetcar account? I think this is a perk for being a member. They’d have to pay a deposit to use it and have a valid license. We should let potential members know this.
When are we closing down our storage? It’s expensive.
Policy on abusive, derogatory comments
Need an organizer for the polo demo/tourney at the EAST festival
This is where I think we are at. I've included items from the previous agenda in strikethrough. Let me know if you think we need to keep any of these items.
I think the next meeting should focus mainly, or only, on Courts and selling the Euros merch.
**LHBPA **
Management Committee meeting agenda
22 February, 2009
**1. **A[B]pproval of minutes[/B]
Are there any corrections to the minutes as distributed?
2. Reports
Officers’ reports
Chair (Chidley), Vice-Chair, Secretary (Campano), Treasurer (Fernandez)
Standing Committee reports
Special Committee reports
Courts committee (Cheung)
Outreach Committee
Fundraising Committee (Pate)
3. Unfinished business
EHBPC financial reportUK Championships (are we serious about this for 2010? Then need to form a committee)Do we need a private LHBPA forum?Polo relations: Association’s relation to the communityRules Committee?New Business
Donation to 2010 Euros or Worlds?When are we closing down our storage? It’s expensive.Need an organizer for the polo demo/tourney at the EAST festivalAny other business?