• #27
if you don't like it, don't fucking watch it.
If you don't like the whole "advertising is evil" thing then why do you pipe up?
• #28
If you don't like the whole "advertising is evil" thing then why do you pipe up?
It's a Friday and this is an internet forum?
• #29
Neu- the advert at the start of the thread is funny, surely you can admit that?
Therefore it has value- it has made me laugh.
I'm not going to buy the product, but I think more highly of it as a result of the brand owner having a sense of humour.
It's funny yeah. I don't disagree with posting it, not that I say so if i did. I wasn't intending to start anything. I realise there's more to it than advertising is evil, obviously I'm not gonna go into it.
It's a Friday and this is an internet forum?
that's was kind of my point. I don't have a problem with him posting, but by his logic he should
• #30
If you don't like the whole "advertising is evil" thing then why do you pipe up?
Because it's boring and tedious. I don't look for threads that say "boring and tedious whining" and complain that there's boring and tedious whining.
Back on topic, this one is awesome:
• #31
why are there so many
wankersattention seekers on the forum these days? -
• #32
Did anyone see the ad for going to the DOG RACING on the other night? Unbe*lie*vably bad, I actually thought it was a spoof...
So NO ONE saw it? Sheesh it was really really unbelievable. Had this guy with X person with them at the greyhound racing... first it was a 'mate' then it was his mum then it was 'someone special' cue 'sexy' dollybird, then they said, 'or the wife' ... wahh wahh
• #33
The "We buy any car" ad is on TV as I type this- great example of a first shit advert and then a great second advert.
The difference is once again having a sense of humour. I did check the value they'd pay for my car- slightly less than I just paid for 2 replacement brake discs...
• #34
meh, was o.k,
when they got the whole nation singing 'he wears old spice, he wears old spice'
to the tune of Carmina Burana it was funnier. imo (because it was in the era before irony, silvery and goldy.) -
• #36
"One bajillion"! Hee hee.
But yeah advertising is the devil, lets preach to the choir some more.
And Brixton Biker, you should know better than to post sexy women. I am offended on behalf of common decency.
• #37
These Old Spice ads are a bajillion times better than the Lynx adverts that are doing the rounds in spotify at the moment. At least these have a sense of wit about them, the lynx ones sound like they're trying to convince you that if you don't use their product, you will never be able to look a woman in the eyes again.
• #38
The Old Spice campaign is amazing, im also loving the Bruce Campbell spot:
• #39
Neu- the advert at the start of the thread is funny, surely you can admit that?
Therefore it has value- it has made me laugh.
I'm not going to buy the product, but I will put it on my christmas list.
• #40
Advertising has a bad rap, and I accept that. I get annoyed at a lot of it. What amuses me is the people who vehemently criticise it. They give it a power that it doesn't have and somehow believe that everybody else is susceptible to it's devilish spell but not them.
Anyhoo, good ads here and the Bruce Campbell spot is ace.
Drink Brawndo!
• #41
16 minutes long but a lot of fun.
Neu- the advert at the start of the thread is funny, surely you can admit that?
Therefore it has value- it has made me laugh.
I'm not going to buy the product, but I think more highly of it as a result of the brand owner having a sense of humour.