• #2
yeh GBH do it, i dont know anymore than that, you would have to go in and ask
• #3
Nice one Ste - I might just chance it and turn up with the frame tomorrow...
• #4
I think they have someone in preston do all their bike frame repairs and stuff.
• #5
Yeah I figured it wasn't done 'i house'. That's cool I can wait the couple of weeks it'll probably take....
• #6
Steve Goff (near me, Skelmersdale) will do it, no fuss.
• #7
Steve Goff (near me, Skelmersdale) will do it, no fuss.
How much is it?
• #8
bob jackson
• #9
BJ - big dollar and I don't think you can supply your own (I've already got some Paul's dropouts) - plus after the fucking debacle of trying to buy an Alleycat off them I'd rather not give BJ my money.
• #10
• #12
I think thats quite expensive, GBH quoted me £75 is I remember correctly having someone localler and less well known of should be cheaper.
• #13
Are paul d/o stainless? Remember they will cost a wee bit more as they'll have to be fitted using silver.
• #14
Yeah that's a good point. Didn;t get a chance to head down this week so i'll go next week and have a chat with them
Where can I get new 'uns fitted? GBH have a framebuilder/framebuilder contacts?