What kills things like facebook is your boss 'friending' you. I'd rather blind the soulless cunt with a HB pencil and set fire to his fucking hair, but I'm suddenly obliged to allow him access to photographs of my children and my bile filled status updates that usually were directed at him.
He does that thing where he only invites fit women, and then they send each other vacuous 'gifts' and sickeningly insincere hugs and kisses. You don't know each other!! One of you is from the puckered hairy rectum that is Wakefield, while the other wallows in buffalo dung in a malaria riddled farmstead a 100km from Phon Pehn! A shit picture of a teddy bear holding a love heart does not cut across cultural barriers, so just give over!!!
What kills things like facebook is your boss 'friending' you. I'd rather blind the soulless cunt with a HB pencil and set fire to his fucking hair, but I'm suddenly obliged to allow him access to photographs of my children and my bile filled status updates that usually were directed at him.
He does that thing where he only invites fit women, and then they send each other vacuous 'gifts' and sickeningly insincere hugs and kisses. You don't know each other!! One of you is from the puckered hairy rectum that is Wakefield, while the other wallows in buffalo dung in a malaria riddled farmstead a 100km from Phon Pehn! A shit picture of a teddy bear holding a love heart does not cut across cultural barriers, so just give over!!!