Looking at your pics I would say that your CB is well after 1955 when CB went bust and was taken over by Holdsworthy. CB serial numbers have a date component before that. After 1955 I don't think so. Pre 1951 the number indicated the date initially. 792003 for example would refer to 1947, or 1937, September, and the 2003rd built that year. From 1950 to 55 the number would be in two parts, a date component and the number produced within that year. For example 539 2920. The date always starts with a 5. =1953, September. The other number is the number produced to that point.
When Holdsworth took over the system changed and I do not know how it was done. Short story is that yours is post 1955. But because it has the raised head-badge rather than a decal I think the raised badges were discontinued late 60s. Advisable to check Norman Kilgariffs excellent site for info. He has lots of catalogues and model types illustrated there.
Check it! http://www.nkilgariff.com/
Good luck, a cool bike anyway: )
Looking at your pics I would say that your CB is well after 1955 when CB went bust and was taken over by Holdsworthy. CB serial numbers have a date component before that. After 1955 I don't think so. Pre 1951 the number indicated the date initially. 792003 for example would refer to 1947, or 1937, September, and the 2003rd built that year. From 1950 to 55 the number would be in two parts, a date component and the number produced within that year. For example 539 2920. The date always starts with a 5. =1953, September. The other number is the number produced to that point.
When Holdsworth took over the system changed and I do not know how it was done. Short story is that yours is post 1955. But because it has the raised head-badge rather than a decal I think the raised badges were discontinued late 60s. Advisable to check Norman Kilgariffs excellent site for info. He has lots of catalogues and model types illustrated there.
Check it!
Good luck, a cool bike anyway: )