But you would feel the benefit of a lighter bike if you lost some weight first. I'm just going on my own experience. I had bmi of 34 a year ago and my bike was 25lbs in weight. So I was advised to lose some weight first then get a lighter bike later as I would feel the benefit then. My bmi is now 19. So I am now looking for a lighter bike or to make my current road bike lighter. On the other hand if it makes someone feel good to have the lightest bike in town then go for it. It wont make you any better up hills though.
Its the enjoyment of putting it together as much as the joy of riding it though.
I have finally settled on a plan for a set of road wheels. Nearly all the aspects planned to increase lateral stiffness, power transfer, aerodynamics, and lightness, will be undetectable to a hobby cyclist like myself. Still it was interesting planning them, it'll be satisfying to build them up, and it'll be fun to ride them.
Idiots like me keep the bike industry ticking over ;)
Its the enjoyment of putting it together as much as the joy of riding it though.
I have finally settled on a plan for a set of road wheels. Nearly all the aspects planned to increase lateral stiffness, power transfer, aerodynamics, and lightness, will be undetectable to a hobby cyclist like myself. Still it was interesting planning them, it'll be satisfying to build them up, and it'll be fun to ride them.
Idiots like me keep the bike industry ticking over ;)