• #2
This was a documentary.
• #3
You also need a full moon.
• #4
This too was a documentary:
• #5
Murtle can help with the moon. he needs new pants.
• #6
She couldn't spell, but was a wolf.
• #7
based on factual events.
• #8
I understand you only need a very small dose to get infected up to 1 part per billion! Be warned, its more lethal in smaller doses!
• #9
Homeopathy can cure it. Ask Ginger.
• #10
tee hee
• #11
Teen Wolf is fucking excellent.
"Give me... a keg... of beer"
• #12
Seeds this thread gave me a chuckle, but you know it has indirectly outed you as a bit of a geek.
Lycans indeed.
• #13
If you wink at a Yorkshire Terrier on the 1st Sunday of december you get worms.
• #14
True lycanthropes here
• #16
Seeds this thread gave me a chuckle, but you know it has indirectly outed you as a bit of a geek.
Lycans indeed.
Can I get a d20 saving throw to protect my credibility?
This is probably the least appropriate forum to ask this, but there is enough people here for someone to know something...
I was wondering if anybody here knows much about lycanthropy?
Have you been treated sucessfully for it or do you have some relevant hunting expertise?
I am rather intrigued by how it works. I know very little about it, except that involves changing into a ravenous monster on the night of the full moon, and that it cannot be cured by conventional bullets, even to the heart.
But I know that it was the basis of legal trials in 16th century France. And it DOES happen in real life. Beyond being a laughable piece of folklore. There are lots of good stories about vampires, zombies and Egyptian mummies throughout the world, but werewolves are fucking hard and could hand out a beating to pretty much any other monster, except perhaps a dragon.
So does anyone have an idea of how it works? Is there some secret magic going on in the bite, or do you have to wear a magical wolf pelt?