Re: Mr Greenbank's LEL fixed: Wow. I'm stuck with the fixed for the time being for financial reasons, so I'll see how I do with longer distances. 1200km is a hell of a long way. Re-chapeau. There can't be a huge number of cyclists able to do that sort of ride fixed?
For the "shorter" rides, what sort of kit list am I looking at? For a 100 or 200km effort, for example. Probably try it on my own to start with, plot a route out and back, vaguely near the train line, just in case, mobile phone fully charged. I was thinking:
fully charged phone
route card and map / shell out for etrex+batteries
spare tube x 2
spare tyre x 1
multi tool (including 15mm for wheel nuts)
puncture kit / levers just in case I need to patch a tube after two punctures!
waterproof jacket
front and back flashing LED lights (at least the 100km should be all daylight, right?)
snacks (restaurant at 1/2 way or something)
cash and cards
cycle computer
I'd be wearing leggings and a short sleeved top, probably not even with armwarmers (get v hot generally, so little needed)
spds, helmet, (chamois cream?)
spare brake blocks / chain / zip ties / electrical tape -- I've never needed any of this in thousands of miles of commuting, where I've only punctured twice. On a 100k or 200k ride is all this necessary?
My Brooks fell apart this evening, so I've got to repair it tomorrow before I go riding, but I'm going to do a gentle 70km just to see if I can, take 4 hours and go quite gently, see what starts hurting first.
I really appreciate the wealth of knowledge you experienced folk are sharing, by the way, lfgss ftw!
Re: Mr Greenbank's LEL fixed: Wow. I'm stuck with the fixed for the time being for financial reasons, so I'll see how I do with longer distances. 1200km is a hell of a long way. Re-chapeau. There can't be a huge number of cyclists able to do that sort of ride fixed?
For the "shorter" rides, what sort of kit list am I looking at? For a 100 or 200km effort, for example. Probably try it on my own to start with, plot a route out and back, vaguely near the train line, just in case, mobile phone fully charged. I was thinking:
I'd be wearing leggings and a short sleeved top, probably not even with armwarmers (get v hot generally, so little needed)
spds, helmet, (chamois cream?)
spare brake blocks / chain / zip ties / electrical tape -- I've never needed any of this in thousands of miles of commuting, where I've only punctured twice. On a 100k or 200k ride is all this necessary?
My Brooks fell apart this evening, so I've got to repair it tomorrow before I go riding, but I'm going to do a gentle 70km just to see if I can, take 4 hours and go quite gently, see what starts hurting first.
I really appreciate the wealth of knowledge you experienced folk are sharing, by the way, lfgss ftw!