• I've ridden the DD 5 times (I think), only the first time I used gears and I have to say the only real bonus of not going fixed is the ability to stand on the pedals to relieve my aching posterior! It's not a difficult ride at all, just a damn long way for most of us!

    I'm a Dunrun virgin, but I've ridden the Manchester 100M and Manchester-Blackpool on fixed and neither are hilly. My geared bike would be more suited to task: dynamo lights, racks as l'll be carrying overnight luggage, my own food, etc.

    Reading from previous DD's, numbers have swelled causing bottlenecks with food stops and problems with return transport. What's the latest on the coach as l (we) really need those seats back. Has Velocio sorted out seating arrangements? When is the actual event so l can early book train tickets.
