• #2
Brakless, check! - disc wheels, check! - babyBlue, check! - Fuck Yeah!
• #3
looks like it could be fun
• #4
Nice pigeon design.
• #5
Your definitely not going to get toe overlap on that!!**
**Unless your a clown.
• #6
My surname is Pidgeon. This caused lots of pain at school.
• #7
I have a pidgeon chest.
• #8
Looks like a great bike, wouldn't mind having one of them
• #9
• #10
• #11
I was called 'Pidgeon Shit.'
• #12
yeah, that's worse
:( -
• #13
I'm pretty sure I would've got a lot further in life had my surname been "eagle".
The worst part is my mother's maiden name is Wildman. How fucking cool is that?
Thanks a lot, Sexism.
• #14
A friend of mine from uni had the surname 'Hole'
His parents must have been having a right laugh when they decided to name him 'Richard' -
• #15
A guy at my school was called Richard Chew. Dick Chew, obviously, but then someone noticed his initials and it became Arsey Dick Chew.
Gay is always a bad surname for a schoolkid.
• #16
I was thinking that.
There was a girl at my university called Heather Bracken.
Nice pigeon design.
• #17
Our email naming system throws up some good one's ie: John Smith would be j.smi@blah blah.com. We currently have a s.hit, and a s.cum. Unfortunately Tom Watson left a while ago, I liked his the best.
• #18
The pigeon doesnt look too impressed. If they cant impress a pigeon how do they expect to inspire the human population.
Needs a hankie tied around the stem. Then good.
• #19
Fanny Phun was probably the worst choice of Anglicised name I've ever encountered. :(
And mass redundancies at my old workplace were carried out by Alan Watt / Anal Twat.
• #20
I went to uni with a guy called Christopher Peacock. At high school and uni he was chris peacock, and when he went to work and started using initials he was c. peacock. Poor guy.
• #21
I once met someone called How Wee. To his credit, he hadn't taken an Anglicised name.
• #22
I went to uni with a guy called Christopher Peacock. At high school and uni he was chris peacock, and when he went to work and started using initials he was c. peacock. Poor guy.
I know his brother, Drew.
• #23
And this is true: my mother (who works in a school) has a kid called Loran Ranger.
• #24
(Derailed, soz)
• #25
I went to school with someone who had Blower as a surname. Also once at work I came across (ha) a dude called Alan Slicker, his middle name was Simon.
Was reading about a scheme in copenhagen for designing a new bike sharing system, and thought the final winning design for a bike was really nice....