Regsitrations are going very nicely and Brixton Cycles are currently bullying their various sales reps for stuff to give away at the end raffle. I would urge anyone thinking of taking part to sign up as soon as poss, I did originally think we might struggle to get 200 but now I think we'll fill up pretty soon - at the current rate of signups before the end of Feb.
I've ridden most of the cobbled sections on fixed and thats been fine - better if anything than a geared bike. As long as your chain tension is good! The hills...well what can I say, we're going over Canonbie Road make sure those tracknuts are tight eh?
citron - thanks for starting the thread :)
Regsitrations are going very nicely and Brixton Cycles are currently bullying their various sales reps for stuff to give away at the end raffle. I would urge anyone thinking of taking part to sign up as soon as poss, I did originally think we might struggle to get 200 but now I think we'll fill up pretty soon - at the current rate of signups before the end of Feb.
I've ridden most of the cobbled sections on fixed and thats been fine - better if anything than a geared bike. As long as your chain tension is good! The hills...well what can I say, we're going over Canonbie Road make sure those tracknuts are tight eh?