Built the Moser up yesterday. First iteration anyway.
Yes, it may be a puppy kill of the highest order but I didn't pull the trigger, just stuffed the corpse. Or something like that.
Ridden once, slipped off in the snow once, lovingly cleaned with warm soapy water once - we'll see how long I can keep that up.
Unsurprisingly, it's a million miles away from the Puch ride-wise. Felt... great. Can't wait to have a real go.
Built the Moser up yesterday. First iteration anyway.
Yes, it may be a puppy kill of the highest order but I didn't pull the trigger, just stuffed the corpse. Or something like that.
Ridden once, slipped off in the snow once, lovingly cleaned with warm soapy water once - we'll see how long I can keep that up.
Unsurprisingly, it's a million miles away from the Puch ride-wise. Felt... great. Can't wait to have a real go.
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