Just done another software update to get rid of a security vulnerability discovered yesterday. I was going to ignore it for a few days but someone actually tried to exploit it so I had to upgrade.
Anyhow, if anything that was working yesterday isn't working today, it would be good if you could let me know.
On an aside, I was just checking the server stats too as it happens to be the end of the month. During January we transferred over 400GB of data. That's a phenomenal amount. When you think that each page is only 9KB compressed, and images have long cache times, it's just astounding. Google Analytics suggests it's something around 5.5 million web pages a month, just shy of 180,000 pages a day.
Just done another software update to get rid of a security vulnerability discovered yesterday. I was going to ignore it for a few days but someone actually tried to exploit it so I had to upgrade.
Anyhow, if anything that was working yesterday isn't working today, it would be good if you could let me know.
On an aside, I was just checking the server stats too as it happens to be the end of the month. During January we transferred over 400GB of data. That's a phenomenal amount. When you think that each page is only 9KB compressed, and images have long cache times, it's just astounding. Google Analytics suggests it's something around 5.5 million web pages a month, just shy of 180,000 pages a day.