• it seems like i'm experiencing more pricks lately. examples from today:

    1) leave work to get some food from the market, attention is drawn to shouting sound from passing car - 20something asian guy leans out of window 'what are you looking at you white fuck'. (what really amused me about this is how he clearly had under-developed racism - i am white and white is not a pejorative term. at least call me a honky or white devil or something).

    2) riding home from work, in the dark, on slip road not far from my place. cyclist with no lights is startled by my good quality 'to see with' light and shouts: 'stupid bright light you twat'. i was too surprised to really let my blood boil.

    3) guy comes into bike shop asks 'i'm just stopping off at the anchor for a few pints, do you mind if i park in your carpark?' (maybe vulnerable road users are not the best people to ask for free parking while you get pissed).
