After last Sunday's great 50 miler This Sunday is on - weather permitting of course. By that I mean if it is snowing, lashing down with rain, or blowing a gale of wind = forget it and stay in bed otherwise** it's on.**
Pistaboy and Danwentskiing I'll tx you so you know what time to meet 9am / 10am everyone else who is interested keep em peeled on here or PM me your number.
Yes yes yes!
After last Sunday's great 50 miler This Sunday is on - weather permitting of course. By that I mean if it is snowing, lashing down with rain, or blowing a gale of wind = forget it and stay in bed otherwise** it's on.**
Pistaboy and Danwentskiing I'll tx you so you know what time to meet 9am / 10am everyone else who is interested keep em peeled on here or PM me your number.