Bravo to Clubman for inspiring his second anniversary January fixed wheel marathon. 50 x20 was OK.even on the 'conks' Nearly unscrewed me legs on the big descents though. It was a cold day for an old git to tackle 90 miles but despite the freezing wind the route was good on the outward journey and the roads for once were dry. Potholes a constant hazard of course. I reckon 'Conkers' big bonk bag and big gear did not make it easy for him. I am mystified by contents of said bag as I did not see anything come out of it all day! Did you really need it ConKer.?
The tail wind and main roads and Paul in a hurry made the ride back very quick tho'
Been a bit knackered and dehydrated since. Thanks to Oliver and Illy for your company
Old Git
Bravo to Clubman for inspiring his second anniversary January fixed wheel marathon. 50 x20 was OK.even on the 'conks' Nearly unscrewed me legs on the big descents though. It was a cold day for an old git to tackle 90 miles but despite the freezing wind the route was good on the outward journey and the roads for once were dry. Potholes a constant hazard of course. I reckon 'Conkers' big bonk bag and big gear did not make it easy for him. I am mystified by contents of said bag as I did not see anything come out of it all day! Did you really need it ConKer.?
The tail wind and main roads and Paul in a hurry made the ride back very quick tho'
Been a bit knackered and dehydrated since. Thanks to Oliver and Illy for your company
Old Git