At the International Aids Conference in Canada Tshabalala-Msimang (the South African minister for Health) set up a stall with Garlic, Lemon and something else which I forget (ginger ?) . . . . this was his government's solution to the AIDs epidemic. While all around him people had displays of anti-retroviral drugs, (barrier) contraception and various other stuff with proven efficacy - this fucker was concentrating on Garlic and Lemon.
[EDIT . . . beetroot, not ginger]
I thought it was ginger.
Even worse, there is a widely held belief that the virus can be cured through sex with virgins.... consentual or otherwise.
Its fucking dark. Botswana has an infection rate of somewhere around 30% 0f the population. 30... jesus.
I thought it was ginger.
Even worse, there is a widely held belief that the virus can be cured through sex with virgins.... consentual or otherwise.
Its fucking dark. Botswana has an infection rate of somewhere around 30% 0f the population. 30... jesus.