put it on a timer to conserve power? i.e. turns on every ten, twenty, thirty ,minutes and pings out a signal which you would be watching for. go on a techhie forum, or even better, Im sure if you hung out and made friends with some EEng type fellas /comp sci kids and offered it as a project theyd do it for fun and its something to put on the CV.
hook them up with sex too. not many girls on the kind of courses they are doing. know any sluts?
put it on a timer to conserve power? i.e. turns on every ten, twenty, thirty ,minutes and pings out a signal which you would be watching for. go on a techhie forum, or even better, Im sure if you hung out and made friends with some EEng type fellas /comp sci kids and offered it as a project theyd do it for fun and its something to put on the CV.
hook them up with sex too. not many girls on the kind of courses they are doing. know any sluts?